Saturday, April 30, 2011

Welcome to My Blog, We are starting with prerequisites for iPhone Development.

Hello Friends,
Good to see you on this blog. This is my first post on this iPhone Development blog.  Here now we are going to start iPhone development.
For the iPhone development you need following software.
  1.  iMac, Macbook or Macbook Pro
  2. Xcode with iOS sdk.
  3. SQLite Database.
  4. iPhone for the testing purpose.

For the iPhone development you need basic knowledge of the following skills.
  1. You must have strong knowledge of Object Oriented Programming.
  2. You must have knowledge of SQL. [At least you should know how to deal with database. You should  know how to throw query on database.]
  3. You should clear basics of objective-c. [You should be familiar with programming style of objective-c as iOS is written in objective-c.]

Now, we are going to write First program in Xcode.  We will start practicing with “Hello World!” program.

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